5 Awesome Benefits of Growing in Planters

2 min readJun 5, 2020


Large dramatic planters are always statement makers, for those who love gardening, it is an awesome way of keeping your plants fresh and disentangled. They give room for movement around the garden, they beautify the home and add an extra view in the garden.

Six Lion Head Urn Garden Planter

However, planters are not just there to beautify the home, here are other reasons why you need planters in your garden.

They create a picture of a bigger garden: As earlier stated, growing plants in planters can help expand your garden space, depending on their sizes they can go anywhere: pavement, windows, decks, flight of steps etc.

There’s room to control the soil your plants grow in: Planters help you control the soil your plants grow in. Your garden soil may not be the best, planters give one an opportunity to make the best soil choices for each plant to provide excellent conditions for growing.

Ring Pot — Garden Planters

Adds to your garden design by creating structure: You can get the biggest planters you can afford and make a statement in your home; they are great ways to add to your garden design. Planters have come a long way with varying sizes and designs giving room for choice.

Fruit Planter Small 12 Sculpture — Planters

Adds vertical space to your garden: Use the wall to your advantage and attach planters to the wall, this would increase the space you have for gardening. Foliage cascading from planters always gives a lush feel.

Takes advantage of your sunny spots: You might have a shady front yard, but a sunny spot along the side of your house makes a fantastic place to put a large planter filled with flowers, foliage or even vegetables. There is nothing like having a walk through your garden and being able to pluck a fresh tomato out of a planter.


You can shop for your most preferred planter — HERE




Written by XoticBrands

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